Hamish and Detective Sargent Olivia Chater are undercover to infiltrate a gang of drug dealers.
The Millstone: Blaire proves to be this in Death of an Addict. Massive Numbered Siblings: Hamish is the oldest of seven children. Jerk Jock: The victim in Death of a Macho Man. Sometimes other inspectors fill a similar role. Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Death of a. However, she averts this trope in regard to her friendship with Hamish. One was the murderer of the novel and the other bankrupted her family. Two fiancés she's brought home turned out to be criminals. Horrible Judge of Character: Priscilla, to an extent. Also, Blaire taking credit for all the murders that Hamish solves. Glad I Thought of It: Colonel Halburton-Smythe claiming Hamish's idea to turn the castle into a hotel. Also in Death of an Addict Angela Brodie rallies all the local fishermen to rescue Hamish and Olivia from being dumped at sea by a powerful drug baron. Such examples include Death of a Nag in which the entire village attends Towser's funeral, when Hamish returns to bury him.
Close-Knit Community: Despite all the murders and other dodgy deeds that happen, the people of Lochdub have been shown to have Hamish's back when it counts.Christmas Episode: A Highland Christmas.Rather than patrol the roads for drunk drivers, chasing them down, arresting them and filling in the paperwork, he simply pops into the local pub and confiscates everyone's car keys. Brilliant, but Lazy: Hamish is an expert corner-cutter in his police-work (at least when it's not related to a murder).Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Some of the Asshole Victims.Asshole Victim: Just about all the murder victims.
Knock, Knock, You're Dead (2016) Short story.